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Carotenoid Name
Diadinoxanthin A
IUPAC name (3S,5R,6S,3'R)-5,6-Epoxy-7',8'-didehydro-5,6-dihydro-beta,beta-caroten-3,3'-diol
Molecular Weight 
582.832 g/mol
Structure      Search similar carotenoids

Mol file
Carotenoid DB Fingerprints 
Biological functions/Properties 
  • Photoprotective activity (Ref.429).
  • Photosynthetic pigment (Ref.429).
  • Xanthophyll cycle pigment.
  • Number of
    conjugated double bonds 
    Number of
    conjugated multiple bonds 


    Canonical SMILES

    Hydrogen Bond donors
    (Lipinski's definition)
    Hydrogen Bond Acceptors
    (Lipinski's definition)
    Complexity of molecule
    Number of heavy atoms
    (Topological Polar Surface Area) 
    52.990 Å2
  • Substrate: CR00170,  CR00175,  CR00395
  • Product: CR00141,  CR00396
  • Pathway
  • Pathway: CB000037,  CB000042
  • Major carotenoid information
    Dominant pigment in bolidophytes, diatoms, euglenophytes, haptophytes, pelagophytes, phaeothamniophytes, dictyochophytes (silicoflagellates) and some dinoflagellates (Ref.707).
    Minor carotenoid information
    Minor in xanthophytes. (Ref.707)
    Source organisms
    Euglena gracilis (Ref.38, Ref.8) - Alga: Euglena (Euglenida - Euglenaceae)
    Euglena sanguinea (Ref.43) - Alga: Euglena (Euglenida - Euglenaceae)
    Euglena viridis (Ref.44) - Alga: Euglena (Euglenida - Euglenaceae)
    Eutreptiella gymnastica (Ref.45) - Alga: Euglena (Euglenida - Eutreptiales)
    Hymenomonas carterae (Ref.31) - Alga: Haptophyte ((Haptophyceae) - Hymenomonadaceae)
    Isochrysis galbana (Ref.31) - Alga: Haptophyte ((Haptophyceae) - Isochrysidaceae)
    Pavlova lutheri (Ref.31) - Alga: Haptophyte ((Haptophyceae) - Pavlovaceae)
    Phaeocystis sp. (Ref.31) - Alga: Haptophyte ((Haptophyceae) - Phaeocystaceae)
    Prymnesium parvum (Ref.31) - Alga: Haptophyte ((Haptophyceae) - Prymnesiaceae)
    Pelagococcus subviridis (Ref.29) - Alga: Pelagophyceae ((Stramenopiles) - Pelagomonadales)
    Sarcinochrysis marina Getler (Ref.30) - Alga: Pelagophyceae ((Stramenopiles) - Sarcinochrysidaceae)
    Nitzschia sp. (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Bacillariaceae)
    Navicula pelliculosa (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Naviculaceae)
    Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Phaeodactylaceae)
    Skeletonema menzelii (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Skeletonemataceae)
    Skeletonema costatum (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Skeletonemataceae)
    Thalassiosira oceanica (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Thalassiosiraceae)
    Thalassiosira pseudonana (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Thalassiosiraceae)
    Thalassiosira eccentrica (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Thalassiosiraceae)
    Thalassiosira rotula (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Thalassiosiraceae)
    Grammatophora oceanica (Ref.36) - Alga: Diatom (Bacillariophyta - Grammatophoraceae)
    Gonyostomum semen (Ref.35) - Alga: Raphidophyceae ((Raphidophyceae) - Chattonellaceae)
    Vacuolaria virescens (Ref.35) - Alga: Raphidophyceae ((Raphidophyceae) - Chattonellaceae)
    Gymnodinum nelsoni (Ref.33) - Alga: Dinoflagellate ((Alveolata) - Gymnodiniaceae)
    Gymnodinum splendens (Ref.33) - Alga: Dinoflagellate ((Alveolata) - Gymnodiniaceae)
    Amphidinium carterae (Ref.33) - Alga: Dinoflagellate ((Alveolata) - Gymnodiniaceae)
    Gyrodinium dorsum (Ref.33) - Alga: Dinoflagellate ((Alveolata) - Gymnodiniaceae)
    Glenodinium sp. (Ref.33) - Alga: Dinoflagellate ((Alveolata) - Glenodiniaceae)
    Peridinium bipes (Ref.494) - Alga: Dinoflagellate ((Alveolata) - Peridiniaceae)
    Solorina crocea (Ref.374) - Fungi: lichen (Ascomycota - Peltigeraceae)
    Corbicula clams (Ref.221) - Shellfish: bivalve (Mollusca - Corbiculidae)
    Corbicula japonica (Ref.221) - Shellfish: bivalve (Mollusca - Corbiculidae)
    Corbicula sandai (Ref.221) - Shellfish: bivalve (Mollusca - Corbiculidae)
    Limacina helicina (Ref.635) - gastropods (Mollusca - Limacinidae)
    Rhinogobius brunneus (Ref.290) - Bony fish: Amur goby (Chordata - Gobiidae)
  • Ref.29: T.Bjoernland, S. Liaaen-Jensen, and J. Throndsen, Phytochemistry, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 3347-3353, 1989; "Carotenoids of the marine chrysophyte Pelagococcus subviridis".
  • Ref.30: N. W. Withers, A. Fiksdahl, R.C. Tuttle, and S. Liaaen-Jense, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 68B, pp. 345 to 349, 1979, "Carotenoids of the Chrysophyceae".
  • Ref.31: R. Berger, and S. Liaaen-Jensen, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 1977, Vol. 5, pp.71-75 "Carotenoids of Prymnesiophyceae (Haptophyceae)* ".
  • Ref.35: A.Fiksdahl, N. Withers, R. R. L. Guillard, and S. Liaaen-Jensen, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 78B, No. 1, pp. 265-271, 1984, "Carotenoids of the Raphidophyceae - a chemosystematic contribution ".
  • Ref.36: F. Pennington, R. R. L. Guillard and S. Liaaen-Jensen, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Vol.16, No.7/8, pp. 589-592, 1988, "Carotenoid Distribution Patterns in Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms)".
  • Ref.38: D. V. Heelis, W. Kernick, G. O. Philips, and K. Davies, Arch. Microbiol. 121, 207-211 (1979), "Separation and Identification of the Carotenoid Pigments of Stigmata Isolated from Light Grown Cells of Euglena gracilis Strain Z".
  • Ref.8: L. Schlueter, T. L. Lauridsen, G. Krogh, and Joergensen, Freshwater Biology, 2006, 51, 1474-1485 " Identification and quantification of phytoplankton groups in lakes using new pigment ratios – a comparison between pigment analysis by HPLC and microscopy".
  • Ref.43: Merte grung, S. Liaaen-Jensen, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 757-763, 1993 "Algal Carotenoids52*; Secondary carotenoids of Algae 3; Carotenoids in natural bloom of Euglena sanguinea".
  • Ref.44: A. Fiksdahl, S. Liaaen-Jensen, Phytochemistry, Vol.27, No.5, pp. 1447 - 1450, 1988 "Diacetylenic carotenoids from Euglena viridis".
  • Ref.45: A. Fiksdahl, T. Bjoernland, and S. Liaaen-Jensen, Phytochemistry, Vol. 23, No.3, pp. 649-655, 1984, "Algal carotenoids with novel end groups".
  • Ref.33: J. E. Joansen, W. A. Svec, and S. Liaaen-Jensen, Phytochemistry, 1974, Vol.13 pp.2261-2271, "Carotenoids of the Dinophyceae".
  • Ref.494: Takashi MAOKA, Miyuki TSUSHIMA, and Hoyoku NISHINO, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 50(12) 1630—1633 (2002), "Isolation and Characterization of Dinochrome A and B, Anti-carcinogenic Active Carotenoids from the Fresh Water Red Tide Peridinium bipes".
  • Ref.290: Miyuki Tsushima ,Eisaku Mune , Takashi Maoka , and Takao Matsuno, J. Nat. Prod., 2000, 63 (7), pp 960–964, "Prev. Article Next Article Table of Contents Isolation of Stereoisomeric Epoxy Carotenoids and New Acetylenic Carotenoid from the Common Freshwater Goby Rhinogobius brunneus".
  • Ref.221: Maoka, Takashi; Fujiwara, Yasuhiro; Hashimoto, Keiji; Akimoto, Naoshige, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2005), 53(21), 8357-8364. "Carotenoids in Three Species of Corbicula Clams, Corbicula japonica, Corbicula sandai, and Corbicula sp. (Chinese Freshwater Corbicula Clam)".
  • Ref.374: Czeczuga, Bazyli; Olech, Maria, Phyton (Horn, Austria) (1990), 30(2), 235-45., "Investigations on carotenoids in lichens. XXV. Studies of carotenoids in lichens from Spitsbergen".
  • Ref.635: Takashi Maoka, Takashi Kuwahara, and Masanao Narita, Mar. Drugs 2014, 12, 1460-1470, "Carotenoids of Sea Angels Clione limacina and Paedoclione doliiformis from the Perspective of the Food Chain", doi:10.3390/md12031460.
  • Ref.429: Reimund Goss, Elizabeth Ann Pinto, Christian Wilhelm, Michael Richter, Journal of Plant Physiology, Volume 163, Issue 10, 5 October 2006, Pages 1008–1021, "The importance of a highly active and ΔpH-regulated diatoxanthin epoxidase for the regulation of the PS II antenna function in diadinoxanthin cycle containing algae".
  • Ref.707: Suzanne Roy et al., Phytoplankton Pigments Characterization, Chemotaxonomy and Applications in Oceanography, October 2011, Cambridge University Press, pp 665-674, "Part VII - Data sheets aiding identification of phytoplankton carotenoids and chlorophylls", available at, ISBN: 9781107000667.
  • CAS
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    KNApSAcK: C00022941

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