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Carotenoids DB           Carotenoids DB: Cladophoropsis fasciculatus
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Organism name
Cladophoropsis fasciculatus                                Find images with Google

NCBI taxonomy ID
Description Green alga: Siphonocladaceae  (Primary producer of carotenoids)                              Japanese
Carotenoid Profile   [   Reconstructed carotenoid biosynthesis pathways of the Cladophoropsis fasciculatus carotenoids  |   Search similar profiled organisms   ]

CA00309  β-Carotene  (Ref.24)

CA00407  Antheraxanthin  (Ref.24)

CA00422  (9'Z)-Neoxanthin  (Ref.24)

CA00416  Violaxanthin  (Ref.24)

CA00597  Lutein  (Ref.24)

CA00608  Loroxanthin  (Ref.24)

  • Ref.24 : Y. Yoshii, I,. Wakana, K. Miriya, S. Arai, K. Ueda, and I. Inouye, J. Phycol. 40, 1170-1177 (2004) "Carotenoid comositions of Cladophora Balls (Aegagropila linnaei) and some members of the Cladophorales (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta): their taxonomic and evolutionary implication"

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