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☀ Pathway reconstructed carotenoids:       Search similar carotenogenesis pathway constructing organisms  ]  
  1. CA00824 (Valenciaxanthin)
  2. CA00822 (Sinensiachrome)
  3. CA00821 (Sinensiaxanthin)
☀ Pathway unconstructed carotenoids: None
☀ Lycopene biosynthesis type: Plant type (Ref.690)

  ☀ CA00043 (Lycopene) biosynthesis pathway

   Path: CA00189 (Prephytoene pyrophosphate (diphosphate)) -> CA00060 (Phytoene) -> CA00059 ((9Z,15Z)-Phytofluene) -> CA00053 ((9Z,15Z,9'Z)-ζ-Carotene) -> CA00065 ((9Z,9'Z)-ζ-Carotene) -> CA00066 ((7Z,9Z,9'Z)-Neurosporene) -> CA00044 (Prolycopene) -> CA00043 (Lycopene)

   See: CB000004 (Cyanobacterial and higher plant pathay: CA00189 -> CA00060 -> CA00059 -> CA00053 -> CA00065 -> CA00066 -> CA00044 -> CA00043)

   Necessary enzymes for those reactions in theory: CrtB(, CitPsy(, AtPSY( (CR00277: CA00189 -> CA00060) --> PDS( (CR00015: CA00060 -> CA00059) --> PDS( (CR00016: CA00059 -> CA00053) --> Z-ISO( (CR00390: CA00053 -> CA00065) --> CrtI(, CrtQa(, CrtQb(, ZDS( (CR00011: CA00065 -> CA00066) --> CrtI(, CrtQa(, CrtQb(, ZDS( (CR00012: CA00066 -> CA00044) --> CRTISO( (CR00391: CA00044 -> CA00043)

  ☀ CA00824 (Valenciaxanthin) biosynthesis pathway

   Path: CA00043 (Lycopene) -> CA00191 (γ-Carotene) -> CA00309 (β-Carotene) -> CA00322 (β-Cryptoxanthin) -> CA00328 (Zeaxanthin) -> CA00407 (Antheraxanthin) -> CA00416 (Violaxanthin) -> CA00820 (Apo-10'-violaxanthal) -> CA00821 (Sinensiaxanthin) -> CA00824 (Valenciaxanthin)

   See: CB000007 (Knwon path in general: CA00043 -> CA00191), CB000009 (Knwon path in general: CA00191 -> CA00309), CB000028 (Knwon path in general: CA00309 -> CA00322), CB000028 (Knwon path in general: CA00322 -> CA00328), CB000038 (Algal and higher plant pathway (probably eukaryotic): CA00328 -> CA00407), CB000038 (Algal and higher plant pathway (probably eukaryotic): CA00407 -> CA00416), Proposed reaction (CA00416 -> CA00820), Proposed reaction (CA00820 -> CA00821), Proposed reaction (CA00821 -> CA00824)

   Necessary enzymes for those reactions in theory: CrtY(, CrtL-b(, CruA/P(, AL2( (CR00374: CA00043 -> CA00191) --> CrtL(, CrtY(, CrtL-b(, CruA/P, AL2, PSY( (CR00365: CA00191 -> CA00309) --> CrtR(, CrtZ(, LUT5(, BCH( (CR00192: CA00309 -> CA00322) --> CrtR(, CrtZ(, LUT5(, BCH( (CR00190: CA00322 -> CA00328) --> ZEP( (CR00158: CA00328 -> CA00407) --> ZEP( (CR00159: CA00407 -> CA00416) --> unknown (CA00416 -> CA00820) --> unknown (CA00820 -> CA00821) --> unknown (CA00821 -> CA00824)

  ☀ CA00822 (Sinensiachrome) biosynthesis pathway

   Path: CA00043 (Lycopene) -> CA00191 (γ-Carotene) -> CA00309 (β-Carotene) -> CA00322 (β-Cryptoxanthin) -> CA00328 (Zeaxanthin) -> CA00407 (Antheraxanthin) -> CA00416 (Violaxanthin) -> CA00820 (Apo-10'-violaxanthal) -> CA00821 (Sinensiaxanthin) -> CA00822 (Sinensiachrome)

   See: CB000007 (Knwon path in general: CA00043 -> CA00191), CB000009 (Knwon path in general: CA00191 -> CA00309), CB000028 (Knwon path in general: CA00309 -> CA00322), CB000028 (Knwon path in general: CA00322 -> CA00328), CB000038 (Algal and higher plant pathway (probably eukaryotic): CA00328 -> CA00407), CB000038 (Algal and higher plant pathway (probably eukaryotic): CA00407 -> CA00416), Proposed reaction (CA00416 -> CA00820), Proposed reaction (CA00820 -> CA00821), Proposed reaction (CA00821 -> CA00822)

   Necessary enzymes for those reactions in theory: CrtY(, CrtL-b(, CruA/P(, AL2( (CR00374: CA00043 -> CA00191) --> CrtL(, CrtY(, CrtL-b(, CruA/P, AL2, PSY( (CR00365: CA00191 -> CA00309) --> CrtR(, CrtZ(, LUT5(, BCH( (CR00192: CA00309 -> CA00322) --> CrtR(, CrtZ(, LUT5(, BCH( (CR00190: CA00322 -> CA00328) --> ZEP( (CR00158: CA00328 -> CA00407) --> ZEP( (CR00159: CA00407 -> CA00416) --> unknown (CA00416 -> CA00820) --> unknown (CA00820 -> CA00821) --> unknown (CA00821 -> CA00822)

  ☀ CA00821 (Sinensiaxanthin) biosynthesis pathway

   Path: CA00043 (Lycopene) -> CA00191 (γ-Carotene) -> CA00309 (β-Carotene) -> CA00322 (β-Cryptoxanthin) -> CA00328 (Zeaxanthin) -> CA00407 (Antheraxanthin) -> CA00416 (Violaxanthin) -> CA00820 (Apo-10'-violaxanthal) -> CA00821 (Sinensiaxanthin)

   See: CB000007 (Knwon path in general: CA00043 -> CA00191), CB000009 (Knwon path in general: CA00191 -> CA00309), CB000028 (Knwon path in general: CA00309 -> CA00322), CB000028 (Knwon path in general: CA00322 -> CA00328), CB000038 (Algal and higher plant pathway (probably eukaryotic): CA00328 -> CA00407), CB000038 (Algal and higher plant pathway (probably eukaryotic): CA00407 -> CA00416), Proposed reaction (CA00416 -> CA00820), Proposed reaction (CA00820 -> CA00821)

   Necessary enzymes for those reactions in theory: CrtY(, CrtL-b(, CruA/P(, AL2( (CR00374: CA00043 -> CA00191) --> CrtL(, CrtY(, CrtL-b(, CruA/P, AL2, PSY( (CR00365: CA00191 -> CA00309) --> CrtR(, CrtZ(, LUT5(, BCH( (CR00192: CA00309 -> CA00322) --> CrtR(, CrtZ(, LUT5(, BCH( (CR00190: CA00322 -> CA00328) --> ZEP( (CR00158: CA00328 -> CA00407) --> ZEP( (CR00159: CA00407 -> CA00416) --> unknown (CA00416 -> CA00820) --> unknown (CA00820 -> CA00821)

Ref.690 : Enfissi EM, Nogueira M, Bramley PM, Fraser PD, Plant J. 2017 Feb;89(4):774-788. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13428. Epub 2017 Feb 7., "The regulation of carotenoid formation in tomato fruit.", PMID: 27865019 DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13428

Since June 15th, 2015 by Junko Yabuzaki.