CR00054 Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 and C11 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | C14 aldehyde | CR00058 Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C10 and C10' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | α-Carotene | | Retinal | CR00060 Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | α-Carotene | | (all-E)-α-retinal | CR00061 Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | Apo-15-zeaxanthinal | CR00062 Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | (all-E,3R)-3-Hydroxy-α-retinal | CR00063 Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | (3R)-3-Hydroxy-β-ionone | CR00092 Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | 3-Hydroxy-α-Ionone | CR00093 Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | 3'-Dehydrolutein | | 3'-Hydroxy-ε-caroten-3-one | CR00103 Conversion of double bond from beta to epsilon at reaction center: C5 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | Prasinoxanthin | CR00105 Conversion of double bond from beta to gamma, and hydroxylation at reaction center: C5 and C6 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | α-Carotene | | β-Carotene | CR00106 Conversion of double bond from epsilon to beta at reaction center: C4 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | 3'-Dehydrolutein | | Zeaxanthin | CR00107 Conversion of double bond from epsilon to beta at reaction center: C5 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | Meso-Zeaxanthin | CR00108 Conversion of double bond from epsilon to beta at reaction center: C5 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Micromonol | | Micromonal | CR00112 Desaturation at reaction center: C19 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Amarouciaxanthin A | | Amarouciaxanthin B | CR00140 Desaturation (acetylene bond forming out of allene bond) at reaction center: C6,7 and C7,8 in beta,beta end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Uriolide | | 3'-Dehydrouriolide | CR00148 Desaturation (keton forming) at reaction center: C3' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | 3'-Dehydrolutein | CR00149 Desaturation (keton forming) at reaction center: C3' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Deepoxyuriolide | | Uriolide | CR00163 Epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | Lutein epoxide | CR00164 Epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Micromonal | | Deepoxyuriolide | CR00165 Epoxidation (lactone forming) at reaction center: C19',11' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Preprasinoxanthin | | Prasinoxanthin | CR00168 De-epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Dihydrolutein | | Micromonol | CR00001 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C19 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | Loroxanthin | CR00195 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C19 in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Crocoxanthin | | Monadoxanthin | CR00196 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3'(Down) in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Zeinoxanthin | | Lutein | CR00197 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3'(Down) in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | α-Carotene | | α-Cryptoxanthin | CR00198 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3'(Down) in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | α-Carotene | | Zeinoxanthin | CR00199 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3(Up) in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | α-Cryptoxanthin | | Lutein | CR00200 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3(Up) in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Siphonaxanthin decenoate | | 6'-Hydroxysiphonaxanthin decenoate | CR00201 Hydroxylation at reaction center: C6' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | 3'-Dehydrouriolide | | Anhydrouriolide | CR00228 De-hydroxylation and desaturation at reaction center: C2',3' and C3' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Micromonal | | Anhydromicromonal | CR00230 De-hydroxylation and desaturation at reaction center: C2',3' and C3' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Lutein | | Anhydrolutein III | CR00231 De-hydroxylation and desaturation at reaction center: C3' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
|  |  |  | Micromonal | | Anhydromicromonol | CR00232 De-hydroxylation, desaturation, and saturation at reaction center: C2',3' and C19' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |