Organism name |
NCBI taxonomy ID |
Lineage |
Description |
gastropods (Secondary producer of carotenoids) Japanese
Carotenoid Profile
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CA00309 β-Carotene

CA00322 β-Cryptoxanthin

CA00323 Alloxanthin

CA00324 Diatoxanthin

CA00328 Zeaxanthin

CA00337 Pectenol A

CA00462 Echinenone

CA00471 Canthaxanthin

CA00543 Ketocynthiaxanthin

CA00484 Pectenolone

CA00489 Adonixanthin

CA00490 Pectenol B

CA00492 7,8,7',8'-Tetradehydroastaxanthin

CA00495 7,8-Didehydroastaxanthin

CA00493 4'-Hydroxy-4-ketoalloxanthin

CA00502 (3S,3'S)-Astaxanthin

CA00507 Idoxanthin

References |
Ref.635 : Takashi Maoka, Takashi Kuwahara, and Masanao Narita, Mar. Drugs 2014, 12, 1460-1470, "Carotenoids of Sea Angels Clione limacina and Paedoclione doliiformis from the Perspective of the Food Chain", doi:10.3390/md12031460