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β-Carotene β-Apo-10'-carotenal
     CR00021   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C10' in beta,- end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin (3S)-3-Hydroxycyclocitral
     CR00037   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C7 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9Z)-β-Carotene (9Z)-10'-Apo-β-carotenal
     CR00040   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C10 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene C14 aldehyde
     CR00041   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C10 and C10' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Violaxanthin C14 aldehyde
     CR00042   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C10 and C10' in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Cryptoxanthin β-Apo-10'-carotenal
     CR00043   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C10' in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9'Z)-Neoxanthin Xanthoxin
     CR00044   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C11 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9Z)-Violaxanthin Xanthoxin
     CR00045   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C11 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9'Z)-Neoxanthin C25-Allenic-apo-aldehyde
     CR00046   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C12' in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9Z)-Violaxanthin (9Z,3S,5R,6S)-5,6-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-12'-apo-β-caroten-12'-al
     CR00047   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C12' in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9'Z)-Neoxanthin (9Z,3S,5R,6S)-5,6-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-12'-apo-β-caroten-12'-al
     CR00048   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C12' in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene β-Apo-14'-carotenal
     CR00049   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C14' in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene Retinal
     CR00050   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Cryptoxanthin Apo-15-zeaxanthinal
     CR00051   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin Apo-15-zeaxanthinal
     CR00052   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Cryptoxanthin Retinal
     CR00053   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C15 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Astaxanthin Astaxanthin 5,6-epoxide
     CR00471   Epoxidation at reaction center: C5 and C6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Astaxanthin Astaxanthin 5,8-epoxide
     CR00472   Epoxidation at reaction center: C5 and C8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Astaxanthin Astaxanthin-5,6-peroxide
     CR00473   Peroxidation at reaction center: C5 and C6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Astaxanthin Astaxanthin-5,8-peroxide
     CR00474   Peroxidation at reaction center: C5 and C8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(15Z)-Astaxanthin Nitro-Astaxanthin
     CR00475   Nitration at reaction center: C15 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Alloxanthin 8'-Apoalloxanthinal
     CR00055   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin Crocetindial
     CR00056   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C8 and C8' in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene β-Apo-8'-carotenal
     CR00057   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C8' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin C14 aldehyde
     CR00059   Cleavage and aldehyde addition at reaction center: C10 and C10' in beta,epsilon end carotenoid
β-Carotene (11Z)-Retinal
     CR00073   Cleavage, aldehyde addition, and cis isomerization at reaction center: C15 and C11 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Cryptoxanthin (11Z)-Retinal
     CR00074   Cleavage, aldehyde addition, and cis isomerization at reaction center: C15 and C11 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene (13Z)-Retinal
     CR00075   Cleavage, aldehyde addition, and cis isomerization at reaction center: C15 and C13 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Cryptoxanthin (13Z)-Retinal
     CR00076   Cleavage, aldehyde addition, and cis isomerization at reaction center: C15 and C13 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9Z)-β-Carotene β-Ionone
     CR00082   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C10 and C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene β-Apo-13-carotenone
     CR00083   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C13 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene β-Ionone
     CR00084   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin (3R)-3-Hydroxy-β-ionone
     CR00085   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Canthaxanthin 4-oxo-β-Ionone
     CR00086   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(3S,3'S)-Astaxanthin 9-Apoastaxanthinone
     CR00087   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Neoxanthin Grasshopper ketone
     CR00088   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Violaxanthin 3β-hydroxy-5α,6α-epoxy-7-megastigmen-9-one
     CR00089   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9Z)-Violaxanthin 3β-hydroxy-5α,6α-epoxy-7-megastigmen-9-one
     CR00090   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(9'Z)-Neoxanthin Grasshopper ketone
     CR00091   Cleavage and ketolation at reaction center: C9 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Anhydrolutein III Vitamin A2
     CR00100   Cleavage, hydroxylation, hydration, and desaturation at reaction center: C15 in beta,- end carotenoid
Neoxanthin 5,6-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-β-ionone
     CR00101   Cleavage, ketolation, and epoxidation at reaction center: C9 and C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene α-Carotene
     CR00102   Conversion of double bond from beta to epsilon at reaction center: C5 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin 3,3'-Diketo-ε-carotene
     CR00104   Conversion of double bond from beta to epsilon at reaction center: C5 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Fucoxanthinol Halocynthiaxanthin
     CR00138   Desaturation (acetylene bond forming out of allene bond) at reaction center: C6,7 and C7,8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Peridinin Pyrrhoxanthin
     CR00139   Desaturation (acetylene bond forming out of allene bond) at reaction center: C6,7 and C7,8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Neoxanthin Diadinoxanthin
     CR00141   Desaturation (acetylene bond forming out of allene bond) at reaction center: C6,7 and C7',8' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin Diatoxanthin
     CR00143   Desaturation (acetylene bond forming) at reaction center: C7,8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Diatoxanthin Alloxanthin
     CR00144   Desaturation (acetylene bond forming) at reaction center: C7',8' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Pectenol A Pectenolone
     CR00146   Desaturation (keton forming) at reaction center: C4 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(4R)-4-Hydroxyalloxanthin Ketocynthiaxanthin
     CR00147   Desaturation (keton forming) at reaction center: C4 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene β-Isorenieratene
     CR00153   Desaturation, demethylation, and methylation (reduction from beta to phi) at reaction center: C1,2 and C3,4 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene β-Carotene 5,6-epoxide
     CR00157   Epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Antheraxanthin Violaxanthin
     CR00159   Epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Antheraxanthin Mutatoxanthin
     CR00161   Epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 and C5,8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene 5,6-epoxide Mutatochrome
     CR00162   Epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 and C5,8 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin Violaxanthin
     CR00453   Epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 and C5',6' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Violaxanthin Antheraxanthin
     CR00166   De-epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Antheraxanthin Zeaxanthin
     CR00167   De-epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Pyrrhoxanthinol Hydratopyrrhoxanthinol
     CR00169   De-epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Diadinoxanthin Heteroxanthin
     CR00170   De-epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Violaxanthin Zeaxanthin
     CR00454   De-epoxidation at reaction center: C5,6 and C5',6' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Fucoxanthinol Amarouciaxanthin A
     CR00173   De-epoxidation and ketolation (epsilon end forming) at reaction center: C5,6 and C3 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Halocynthiaxanthin Amarouciaxanthin B
     CR00174   De-epoxidation and ketolation (epsilon end forming) at reaction center: C5,6 and C3 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Diadinoxanthin Diatoxanthin 3,6-epoxide
     CR00175   De-epoxidation, epoxidation, and ketolation at reaction center: C4 and C3,6 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Canthaxanthin (3S,3'S)-Astaxanthin
     CR00177   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3 and C3' in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene Zeaxanthin
     CR00459   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3 and C3' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Neoxanthin Vaucheriaxanthin
     CR00180   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C19 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Caloxanthin Nostoxanthin
     CR00181   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C2'(Down) in beta,beta end carotenoid
Zeaxanthin Caloxanthin
     CR00182   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C2(Down) in beta,beta end carotenoid
     CR00183   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3 in beta,beta end carotenoid
3'-Hydroxyechinenone Adonixanthin
     CR00184   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Canthaxanthin Adonirubin
     CR00185   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3(Up) in beta,beta end carotenoid
Echinenone 3'-Hydroxyechinenone
     CR00186   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Adonirubin (3S,3'S)-Astaxanthin
     CR00187   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3'(Up) in beta,beta end carotenoid
Thermocryptoxanthin-13 Thermozeaxanthin-13
     CR00188   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3' in beta,beta end carotenoid
Thermocryptoxanthin-15 Thermozeaxanthin-15
     CR00189   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3' in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Cryptoxanthin Zeaxanthin
     CR00190   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3'(Up) in beta,beta end carotenoid
     CR00191   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3'(Up) in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene β-Cryptoxanthin
     CR00192   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C3(Up) in beta,beta end carotenoid
Alloxanthin (4R)-4-Hydroxyalloxanthin
     CR00193   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C4(Up) in beta,beta end carotenoid
Diatoxanthin Pectenol A
     CR00194   Hydroxylation at reaction center: C4(Up) in beta,beta end carotenoid
Pectenolone Pectenolone
     CR00466   Ketolation at reaction center: C3' in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Carotene Echinenone
     CR00234   Ketolation at reaction center: C4 in beta,beta end carotenoid
β-Cryptoxanthin (3S)-3-Hydroxyechinenone
     CR00236   Ketolation at reaction center: C4 in beta,beta end carotenoid
(3S,3'S)-Astaxanthin Adonixanthin
     CR00237   Ketolation at reaction center: C4 in beta,beta end carotenoid
Since June 15th, 2015 by Junko Yabuzaki.